Revolutionize your client management.

Access important client information whenever and wherever you are.
The OurFamilyWizard Family Law Practitioner App for iOS devices provides family law and mental health practitioners secure and convenient access to client communication.
Whether you're a mediator or family therapist working with a few families or are a family law judge who wants to access litigant information without hassle, the OurFamilyWizard Family Law Practitioner App for iOS devices lets you access all of the important information you need from one place.
Connect to clients, create accounts, and stay in the loop.
Why not take the step to streamline your work with clients and more easily manage your practice? Join the family lawyers, family law judges, mediators, counsellors and other family law and mental health practitioners who already make working with clients easier by using the OurFamilyWizard website.
With the OurFamilyWizard Family Law Practitioner app, you can:
- Quickly access client information straight from any iOS device.
- Easily create accounts for new clients.
- Link to clients already using the website.
- Respond to requests for access from your clients.
- Review your client's account history and activity.
- Send and respond to any messages with your clients.

Practitioner Accounts are Free
Download the OurFamilyWizard practitioner app and create your account today.