Professional Access on OurFamilyWizard

Family law judges, lawyers, and family professionals across the United States and Canada are ordering or stipulating that parents use the transparent and accountable features of the OurFamilyWizard® website.
Whether you are stipulating or ordering parents to use this service, recommending it to your clients, or utilizing the Professional Account to review communication and interact with the family, you'll find what you need on the site.
Keep your client's information protected while providing them with a means to share information and get their family through their divorce successfully. Having the proper documentation when you return to court will make the difference in your client’s success.
Click here to learn how to submit subpoenas, court orders and other requests for information.

Cooperative Parenting
The right online tool will show which parents are being productive and which parents are not.
The purpose of using an online tool is to help bring about a working relationship within the family. Parents can share information without confrontation and show that they are willing to communicate and are carrying out their parenting responsibilities. If both parents are fulfilling their responsibilities, the family unit as a whole will be much stronger.

High Conflict Co-Parenting
Accurate records to mitigate confusion and contention.
Help your client document that they are meeting their parenting obligations. A parent can show that they did indeed notify the other parent of parent-teacher conferences, dental appointments, or anything else they may need to share in regards to the children. Eliminate the “he said/she said” with the power of accurate documentation of information exchanges.